Sunday, December 5, 2010

I have no gift to bring

...that's fit to give our King.

I always thought this was a silly little Christmas carol.  It didn't make any sense to me.  There aren't any drummer boys in the Nativity story, so who made this up?  I get it now.

I've been sitting on Catalina Island, all by myself for three days.  I've listened to a lot of Christmas carols in those three days.  This year, The Little Drummer Boy stood out to me. 

"What will you bring to Him?" it asks me.  The little boy has the answer: the best you can do.  His talent isn't special, some would say it's not even appropriate.  This little boy can't even keep his own time, the ox and lamb have to do it for him!  But, he "plays his best for Him."  That's what He asks for.  He doesn't care what your talent is, or how impressive it is.  He just wants our best.  He wants us to make our talent better and stronger than it was yesterday. 

So, what will you bring to Him? 


  1. Love this post. So simple, so true. Oh, and I don't know if you saw the comment my husband left on my FB post the other day after you commented on it -- he though he was being funny and making a joke. I didn't, so I deleted it. :)

  2. Yep, loved this post, too. Thanks for your sweet thoughtfulness during a crazy busy time. :)


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